At the beginning of the school year, we shared the expectations for technology use with our students, and they each acknowledged that they read and understood these expectations. In light of the new at home computer use we have prepared to activate email accounts for the upper elementary students. These accounts will have limited abilities, and several restrictions and security measures.
The student email accounts will only be able to send and receive information to and from , and the email accounts of parents of the students of the upper elementary classroom.
All emails sent and received by these accounts will also be sent to a collection account that PVMS will have access to so that should we meet with any issues, we will have the ability to review all communications.
The email will be scanned for "bad words" in order to mitigate the possibility of cyber bullying, or inappropriate use of this media. Anything that is flagged as inappropriate will be stopped and redirected for review before being forwarded to the intended recipient if deemed approperate.
Any email transaction to or from a student account should not be considered private in any way.
the email access will be terminated at the end of the school year.
We ask that you revisit this document from the beginning of the year, we have made a few slight changes to account for this new learning environment and email usage. Once this has been signed we will activate your child’s account within 24 hours.
Acceptable Home Use of PVMS Network
Pioneer Valley Montessori School maintains a computer network and computer systems to provide students, faculty and staff with access to a host of resources, both internally and on the internet. These resources include desktop computers,software, google education accounts, Alphasmart devices, telephones, voicemail, facsimile machines, and tablets. This network is established to support the educational mission, and administrative operations of the school.
Students of Pioneer Valley Montessori School may have access to the above listed Electronic Resources, including the network and internet. The network is viewed as an extension of the school community, and students are expected to use these resources in a mature, ethical, and responsible manner. These resources are intended to be used for educational purposes only. Remember, the use of the computer network is a privilege, not a right, and this privilege may be taken away for inappropriate use of any kind.
The following are the expectations for the use of the school network and was generated with the help of the students and the IT support person, Margaret O.
Computers at school are to be used for educational purposes only (school work)
The use of the computer network is a privilege, not a right, and students will use appropriate language and behavior when using the network.
students will keep their password private
Students will not use anyone else’s account or move, change or delete anyone else’s work.
Students will not give out personal information about themselves or others (such as name, address, or telephone number) on the Internet.
Students’ work will be their own, they will not plagiarize work found on the internet and will give credit to the work of others
Personalization of accounts may happen at home
Students will treat the software gently
Any pictures on a student’s account or homepage will be school-appropriate
Students will not post or send any messages, or pictures intended to hurt or upset others. If a student makes a joke and is asked to stop, they will not do it again (students will not cyber-bully)
Users of the network or other Electronic Resources have no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning any materials transferred over or stored within the Pioneer Valley Montessori School network. Our IT person has access to all google education (MYPVMS) and internal network accounts and the content saved therein.and may monitor, and observe account activity, and remove content that is not school-appropriate. This is for the safety and protection of all the students and staff of PVMS.
Students are responsible for their activities.
If the rules for electronic technology are not followed, suspension of computer use for a time period will occur, along with parent notification, and any necessary conference.
Student Name*
*I (the undersigned) have read and understand the contract, pertaining to use of the Pioneer Valley Montessori School computer network and systems. I have discussed this contract with my child to help them understand it. I fully agree with the contents of the contract and recognize that my child must abide by it.
Your Full Name:*