Lower Elementary Families
This is unprecedented. I have prepared some work and activities to help fill the void the next few weeks may present. We want to do our best to maintain and even build upon the students’ capabilities during this time away from school.
Reminder: Pick up your packets March 17, 18, and 19 at the school from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
As a Montessori school, we cannot send home materials that allow your child to replicate the kind of practice they would have at school most of the time. So, what I have gathered are the things we can do without materials: handwriting practice, word problems, math facts, sight words for reading and spelling practice, time, money, and fractions, and some language work that reflects what each level has been doing in the classroom. Please feel free to replace any or all of these activities with your own and to pick and choose as you and your child decide; consider this a menu, rather than an assignment to complete.
I strongly encourage you to read every day, be it individually, to each other, books on tape . . . and, when possible, to talk about your reading. Check out the reading log and list of discussion and thinking questions in your packet.
All students have their ProdigyGame.com and Typing.com accounts. Some students also have Lexia accounts. Access information is in the packet you can pick up at school.
Below are some of the online resources available. I will add more, along with more worksheets, as the week goes on.