Planes of Development and Sensitive Periods in Children

In Montessori education, understanding the Planes of Development and Sensitive Periods is essential for fostering children's growth. Dr. Maria Montessori identified four distinct developmental stages, each characterized by unique learning sensitivities. Sensitive Periods are specific times when children are particularly receptive to learning certain skills. For example, the sensitive period for language begins at birth and continues throughout the first plane of development.

  • First Plane (Birth to Age 6): Known as "The Absorbent Mind," children effortlessly absorb information from their environment. Sensitive periods during this stage include language acquisition, movement, order, and sensory refinement. 

  • Second Plane (Ages 6 to 12): Children develop reasoning abilities, imagination, and a thirst for knowledge. They become more socially aware and seek moral understanding. 

  • Third Plane (Ages 12 to 18): Adolescents experience physical and emotional changes, develop critical thinking, and seek self-identity. They are sensitive to social justice and their role in society.

  • Fourth Plane (Ages 18 to 24): Young adults strive for financial and personal independence, focusing on career paths and contributing to society.

Supporting Your Child's Development:

  • Observe and Respect: Recognize your child's current plane of development and sensitive periods. Provide appropriate activities that align with their natural interests.

  • Prepared Environment: Create a home environment that encourages exploration and learning, tailored to your child's developmental stage.

  • Encourage Independence: Allow your child to take on tasks suitable for their age, fostering confidence and self-reliance.

  • Open Communication: Maintain an open dialogue with educators to ensure consistency between home and school environments.

The First Plane of Development (Infant/Toddler/Early Childhood)

In Montessori’s view, the child in the first plane (birth to age 6) is endowed with an "absorbent mind," meaning they learn naturally by absorbing elements from their environment, both consciously and unconsciously. Montessori notes, “The only thing the absorbent mind needs is the life of the individual; give him life and an environment and he will absorb all that is in it” (1946). This process of learning is shaped by the prepared environment, which includes the curriculum, materials, and activities tailored to the child’s sensitive periods at this stage.

Key sensitive periods for the first-plane child include:

  • Order (recognizing similarities and differences)

  • Language (letter recognition and vocabulary)

  • Refinement of movement (coordination)

  • Refinement of the senses (discrimination of sensory stimuli)

  • Concentration and repetition (towards achieving a goal)

  • Grace and courtesy (social skills)

  • Independence (physical autonomy)

The Early Childhood classrooms are designed to meet these developmental needs through a combination of Sensorial, Language, Math, Cultural, and Science materials, alongside Practical Life activities. Materials such as the Knobbed Cylinders, Pink Tower, and Red Rods help refine the child’s movement and senses, particularly visual and tactile senses, fostering their ability to discriminate between varying dimensions. These materials also encourage the child to develop a sense of order, indirectly preparing them for future mathematical tasks.

In the realm of mathematics, the child is introduced to beginning math materials like the Number Rods and Spindle Box. These help them develop fundamental mathematical concepts, building on their previously developed skills like seriation (arranging objects in a sequence) and their sense of order. The sensorial materials engage the child’s other senses, too—such as the Smelling Bottles for olfactory discrimination and Bells for auditory refinement. Each of these materials is designed to encourage independence, as the child works with them independently after an initial presentation, practicing concentration and self-confidence in their abilities. 

In language development, the child acquires new vocabulary through their work with sensorial and Practical Life materials, which also prepare them for writing by strengthening fine motor skills, like the pincer grip used when handling small objects. More direct language materials such as Sandpaper Letters, the Movable Alphabet, and chalkboards help the child recognize letters, practice writing, and build reading skills. Phonetic materials further reinforce the connection between sounds and symbols.

Practical Life activities play a crucial role in supporting the child’s development of physical autonomy and social skills. Tasks like table washing, food preparation, and flower arranging require coordination, concentration, and independence, while activities focusing on social skills—such as saying “please,” “thank you,” and waiting for a turn—help the child develop grace and courtesy. These social skills foster positive interactions within a group, both inside and outside of school.

The early childhood environment is meticulously prepared to reflect the sensitive periods of children aged three to six. It is designed to support the child’s need for order, coordination, concentration, and independence, while simultaneously offering opportunities to practice social skills and engage in academic learning. As a result, when you walk into an Early Childhood classroom, you’ll see children purposefully engaged in activities that showcase their ability to work independently, exhibit orderliness, and carry out harmonious social exchanges with others.

By aligning the classroom environment with the child’s developmental needs and inclinations, Montessori ensures that children are not only learning academic concepts like language and math but are also receiving indirect preparation for future academic success. The prepared environment provides a nurturing setting in which the child’s natural drives and needs are met, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and positive social engagement.

The Second Plane of Development (Lower & Upper Elementary)

In Montessori's framework, the first plane of development is characterized by the "absorbent mind," where young children (0-6 years) effortlessly take in impressions from their environment. In contrast, children in the second plane (6-12 years) shift to a stage of reasoning and abstract thinking. 

The second-plane child is in the sensitive period for:

  • Imagination

  • Social order

  • Morality and ethics

  • Global perspective

  • Reasoning and abstract thinking

During this stage, children begin consolidating the knowledge they absorbed during their early years. Their emerging rational thinking allows them to categorize and classify information, much like organizing books in a library. To foster this intellectual development, Montessori offers a broad curriculum, including subjects like chemistry, biology, and geography, designed to engage the child’s imagination and encourage inquiry.

The shift to abstract thinking is evident in how the Montessori math materials are designed. Starting with concrete tools, children gradually move to more abstract concepts, discovering mathematical algorithms on their own through exploration, rather than simply memorizing them.

Imagination plays a crucial role in helping children grasp big ideas that are beyond their direct experience. The Great Lessons—narratives covering the formation of the universe, the origins of life, human history, and the development of writing and numbers—spark the child's imagination. From these lessons, children explore topics of personal interest, prompting further inquiry and investigation. 

As children develop an awareness of social order, they also begin to form a strong sense of morality and ethics. They are deeply concerned with fairness and justice, which may lead to behaviors like tattling or advocating for what they perceive as right. This moral sensitivity extends into their growing awareness of societal issues, such as racial and economic injustices, which may prompt them to question social norms and develop a desire for change.

Upper Elementary children (9-12 years) are especially attuned to global issues. They may become upset by the injustices they observe in the world, such as environmental destruction or human rights violations, and feel compelled to take action. They may organize fundraisers to support causes, such as providing clean water in developing countries, or choose to become vegetarian after considering the ethical implications of animal rights and environmental sustainability.

The Montessori cultural curriculum is designed to nurture this global awareness, offering lessons in history, geography, language, and science. These subjects help children explore not only their own culture but also others, fostering a sense of connection to the broader world. 

Through these interwoven threads—imagination, reasoning, social awareness, and global perspective—the Montessori Elementary environment empowers children to ask big questions, explore new ideas, and extend their thinking beyond the classroom. The curriculum supports children in developing the tools to understand the world around them and their role in it, fostering intellectual curiosity and a deep sense of social responsibility.

Brianne D'Amours