Upper Elementary Families


We are embarking together on a new adventure in order to provide your children with the best possible solutions to maintaining the current work that we have accessible in the classroom.

Classroom and Assignment Updates:

  • Be sure to have your child activate their Google Classroom Account! We will use this method of communication during our hiatus.

  • Your child needs to use their @mypvms.org account to log in.

  • For information on Google classroom, click here.

  • We will meet online using Google Meets. (To learn how to use google meet click here.) Should there be a need to extend this “work from home” situation beyond the three-week period, we will discuss the possibility of doing lessons via Meets as well.

Great math resources:

While much of the math we are working on currently requires the use of materials, there are skills that the children have acquired that should allow for some practice of these skills at home.

  • mathfactcafe.com - for practicing math facts and simple operations including time, money and decimals.

  • math-aids.com - for more advanced math work that your child is used to. There are also many worksheets on this site that are helpful.

Novel studies:

We will meet online using Google Meets. (To learn how to use Google Meets, click here.)

  • Your child needs to use their @mypvms.org account, and will be able to log into the meeting.

  • You will be able to find the link in Google Classroom under Novel Study, and enter the information when prompted into Google Meets.

  • Practice run for each novel group this Wednesday, March 18, and meet on Thursday, March 19

Ida B - 9:00am

Monster - 10:00am

Sugar - 11:00am

American History

All the children are currently working on an American History research project. The due dates for this research fall (for most groups) in the first week of April. This makes this time vital for the children to continue with this research while at home.

If your child does not have access to books for research, the following websites are great starting places:


I would highly recommend that you include your children in the household chores as much as possible. At school they are responsible for tidying up after themselves, loading the dishwasher, washing tables, dusting and organizing shelves, cleaning up the kitchen area, preparing snack, making tea, and a whole lot of other things. So they can help with these things at home as well.

It’s always more fun to have a partner when doing chores, so siblings working together, or parent involvement (and maybe some good music playing in the background) can help encourage the completion of these kinds of tasks. 9-12 year olds are social beings, so having company when doing something “unfun” is really helpful.


The kids can also start their own video chats using Google Hangouts and Meets to facilitate working together on novel studies and project research, or even math.

I will check classroom and my emails frequently over the next three weeks (once in the morning, once around noon, and once in the evening at least) so if you, or your kids have any questions, concerns, comments, please feel free to reach out to me.
