Hello My Fellow Artists!


Hello Lower Elementary students and families.  As you already know we are currently experiencing some unscheduled time away from school. This unfortunately has meant missed art classes and missed time in each other’s company. Well we definitely have to do something about that!

Challenging times call for creative solutions and ideas. We have the absolute best students and community and so I’ve been thinking of simple ways we can share and make art from home. I will be posting a variety of different resources, links and project ideas. I am also requesting that each of my students post a picture of any creative endeavor that they are currently working on in the comments below. It can be Lego builds, clay creations, a living room fort, or fantasy maps, the choice is yours. Hey, if you happen to be in possession of one of the community art journals you can share pictures of that as well. I want to see what you’re working on! Be sure to include a brief caption that tells a little bit about the art work or projects you want to post! If you have any questions you can send me an email. I look forward to seeing what you’re all up to.




P.S. If you have any great projects or ideas that you’d like to share or just to say hi drop me a line I’d love to hear from you.

Free Coloring Pages and Printables





Recycled Art Project ideas


Free Online Art Classes

https://www.mybluprint.com// (Free Unlimited Access until 4/9/20)

Listen to a book while you make art  

http://stories.audible.com/start-listen (Free audible books for kids as long as schools are out)